Antram chooses Wtransnet for growing its private freight exchange

3-antram-smallFor the past few weeks, the Associação Nacional de Transportadores Públicos Rodoviários de Mercadorias (ANTRAM) has been working with its private freight exchange: a tool aimed for road transport companies to optimise their trips amidst an environment of collaboration, security and confidence.



ANTRAM’s aim is to help SMEs promote their activity, become more competitive and generate business via an online platform which informs them in real-time on the available loads and lorries and their location. Despite this tool being exclusive to ANTRAM members, the companies must pass certain filters required by Wtransnet’s QAP quality system.

This new platform is a step forward for transporters who are ANTRAM members, as they now enjoy increased communication with other members, they can share information and if they obtain no response for their search, they are automatically forwarded to the public freight exchange. Aside from its easy use, the other advantages of the freight exchange include increased security, confidentiality and privacy, as well as the option of searching only for companies which are ANTRAM members.


Expert in developing “tailored” tools for the transport sector, Wtransnet is a pioneer and market leader in developing private freight exchanges for large groups and transport associations at European level. In light of all this, Gustavo Duarte, President of the Association, states that he is “very happy with the collaboration established with Wtransnet as the key for promoting SMEs and making Portuguese transport more dynamic”.


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