Information about other companies, the main reason for calls to the Customer Service Department

Among the user queries, the most common ones have to do with information about other associates. Since 1996, Wtransnet has gathered a lot of detailed information on transport and logistics companies in Europe.
This information is invaluable when is starting new collaborations and finding the best trustful partners.
Wtransnet members can know the history and background of a particular company in the industry. Having access to this information provides the security of working only with the best companies.
Wtransnet is pioneering and unique in offering the service of Payment Guarantee online. A network of reputable companies has been created, all filtered through the exclusive QAP system (Quality Assurance Policy) that constantly monitors their behaviour and penalizes those breaking the rules through an Audit Committee.
The Customer Service Department of Wtransnet, composed of a team of 40 people from 7 different countries, answers an average of 25,000 thousand calls per month.

In the words of Silvia Arroyo, Customer Service Director: “This is one of the most required and valued services by Wtransnet associates. Before making a contract, they can know the history of his client, his transport documentation, the provided references … In short, our objective is to contribute, as far as possible,  to making the contracts more transparent and therefore, we facilitate all the information that is in our possession”.

About wtransnet

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