We have analized January’s transport fluctuation in the European market based on the trucks and loads offer growth in Wtransnet’s Freight Exchange.
We compared the month of January in both 2016 and 2017, in order to understand the possible changes that might have occured in the loads and trucks offer in Wtransnet‘s Freight Exchange. The datas speak for themselves: in general truck and loads offer growth has been encountered in the most important European countries. If we focus on the datas regarding the number of loads offered in Wtransnet’s freight exchange, excluding those related to Spain, the general increase is established to be around 40%. A rising trend has been observed, both in the agencies and logistic operators activity. Those who choose Wtransnet are always looking for a trustable transport supplier. Moreover, the quantity of trucks that look to cover international routes in Europe has terrificly increased. We have seen the numbers reaching a stunning 66% growth. This allows Wtransnet to consolidate its position as a crucial working solution when hiring an inter-European transport.

Italy and Germany are on the top of loads offer growth in Wtransnet
The main increase in loads offer has been seen in the Italian destination market, with inter annual increase of 55,4%. The recent economic activity increase in the transalpine country has to be taken in consideration, as well as Wtransnet’s clear commitment to settle itself as the reference freight exchange in Italy. Coming in as a close second place we have Germany, with a 52,5% increase. Not far behind we can find countries like Portugal and the Netherlands; if the increase of exporting loads that arrive to Portuguese lands amounts to 45,2%, in the Dutch case the achieved value lays around 40,1%.

The centre of Europe, main requestor of trucks.
Besides a loads offer growth, the number of trucks offers has experienced a significant increase. The most striking case has Austria as the protagonist, where the quantity of trucks offered with origin and destination the Alpine state has reached a 120,6% growth. Keeping a similar place in inter annual values are two referent countries in central Europe such as Germany and Poland, with 118,3% and 116,2% respectively. The number of trucks with a destination route towards France has hugely increased, with a total of 90,4% while those that choose to reach Belgium achieve a considerable 71,2 %. Vehicles offered to carry goods up to the Iberic peninsula or with destination Portugal have also increased their number with a 57,1 % increase if compared to the previous half of year.

In conclusion, the statistics offered by Wtransnet are very significant. There is an improvement in the European economic activity in general and in particular inside the transport sector. Data query and subsequent evaluation related to the future months will be crucial to establish if this improvement is consolidated and will be translated into a constant trucks and loads offer growth in the European continent.