The average payment term in Spain is reduced by 20 days

According to recently published, since last March, the average payment term to transport companies in Spain has dropped significantly, reducing by 20 days.
Statistics show that  October has been the month with the shortest payment term since the study began in March. The decrease in the terms has been gradual. In October 2012 the average was 91 days whereas in the previous October was 111 days.
The Law 15/2010 established in Spain a calendar of gradual decrease in payment terms, from 85 days in 2011, TO 75 days in 2012 and 60 days from January 2013.
The Wtransnet site helps the deadlines set by the law are met, not allowing payment terms over 75 days at present and 60 days from January 2013.
Besides, a special icon with the symbol of the White List identifies the offers of the companies with payment terms less than those required by the law, allowing the user to order the offers according to the term of payment (cash, 15, 30 and 45 days).

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