Can I come across companies with bad practices on the Freight Exchange?

The answer is yes, because so far no one has found the antidote that makes all companies impeccable in their management. But the next question that you have to ask is: What does Wtransnet do to companies that breach the rules of the exchange?

Here we can start by giving you a much more well thought out response, one that you were perhaps unaware of until now. Since it was launched 20 years ago, Wtransnet has opted for the creation of a meeting point where carriers can work safely. While many companies make this claim, few have carried it through to its logical conclusion.


Wtransnet takes eradicating bad practices from the exchange so seriously that we’ve created a Quality Assurance Policy that ensures compliance. A company is immediately blocked from accessing the exchange if it commits a serious offense and runs the risk of being banned.

It is important to note that the Committee’s main objective is to ensure the security of all member companies and good practices within the marketplace, which is why it sends warnings to companies that commit bad practices. After a warning, the company can remain on the exchange provided they recognise the seriousness of the matter, correct their behaviour, and do not commit the same offense again. Companies will be banned from the exchange only in extremely serious cases or those in which the company repeatedly ignored warnings.

Wtransnet thoroughly monitors each client before taking these types of measures. Customer Service monitors the client once an incident is registered and mediates between the companies involved. For example, the company’s access to the application is blocked in the case of late payment as a preventive measure until the issue is resolved, the company is monitored to ensure no further payment delays occur and an economic penalty for non-payment is also applied.

Together with the report on abuse, the Audit Committee has issued 773 decisions since it was created in 2007, although not all have led to a ban from the exchange. The most common causes for being banned include reselling loads, the transfer of sensitive information to non-affiliated companies, breach of the ethical code that is accepted when joining Wtransnet and, to a lesser extent (although it might seem otherwise), cases of non-payment that remain unresolved after Wtransnet’s incident department intervenes.

The aim of this mediating body is to correct possible breaches, which means most decisions focus on preventive sanctions. A good example would be the suspensions carried out when a company receives negative reports from other members or when companies are blocked from the payment guarantee service after misuse. Despite being resolved through the incident department, a formal warning is also given in cases of late payment. Should payment be delayed again and the warning not heeded, the company will no longer be able to post loads and will ultimately be banned from the exchange if payment is not made.

All this information is included in the company’s history so that when a customer wants to start a new collaboration it can search the Company Information Service, the service most valued by Wtransnet users, for any irregularities.

This protocol underpins Wtransnet’s operations and has turned it into the most reliable freight exchange for European carriers.

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