Decrease by 35% the number of payment incidents managed in the Wtransnet freight exchange

At the end of July, Wtransnet launched the new process for the management of payment claims for delays in the payment of invoices generated in services between associates. The novelty of this process is to penalize the debtor who causes prejudice and entails the intervention of the Incidents Department.
There is an exception in those cases when the haulier has no reason for claiming the invoice or when the invoice is not yet expired. The quality policy of Wtransnet (QAP, Quality Assurance Policy) includes the possibility of blocking the access to the companies with unpaid invoices and the definitive withdrawal in case of insolvency.
But even so, the actual situation has generated an increase of delayed payments. Although they were all paid, the settlement was done after the claiming process of Wtransnet with the consequent damage for the haulier.
More details about this service in the document Changes in terms of payment in Wtransnet website.

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