Visit of the main european press media in our offices

On 13th July we were visited by the European press media’s leading.
Publishers and editors in chief from different publications of Switzerland, Poland, Germany and Italy came to our offices in our headquarters in Terrassa (Barcelona) in order to know in detail the company, the organization of each department and the activity carried out by any of the 130 people that compose our Team, through a tour in our installations.
The responsible person of each area explained the department functions, the daily working and the main tasks. Then, the area Manager of the different countries presented the new products we are now working with and which are expected to be launched soon.
The assistants described the visit as “very interesting and useful” and they were very interested for the effort and human resources intended to the issue of safety and customer service, and also in the fact we have our own technological resources and a Foundation working for the Transport industry interests.

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