GRUPPO CDS trust in Wtransnet for creating the private freight and truck Exchange

CDS Group meets a collective of more than 60 Italian and international companies with a specific mission “Create value added to each associate optimizing the service and the companies’ costs”
The collaboration with Wtransnet consists in the creation of a private Exchange for the companies of CDS Group and with access to the Public Exchange of Wtransnet.
This will allow the companies from CDS Group, when they need to search a freight for completing a truck or find a truck for one client, prioritize companies of the group maintaining a business relationship and only go to the market after having tried all the options inside the group.
Whithout a doubt, this way of working will give an increase in the companies business taking the advantages of the synergies created inside the collective.
The transfer of the offers from the private environment to the public Exchange is done with only one click avoiding the creation of a new offer.
The main reasons for selecting the Wtransnet platform, according to the words of the CEO Mr. Marco Salardi are “the trust that this freight Exchange offers in terms of security and control of the users, and the payment guarantee of the trips contracted with Wtransnet members that makes it possible the refund of the 90% of the invoice amount in case of non payment”.

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