Spain is the third provider of trucks in europe

According to a published statistics by Eurostat, the 58.872 millions of Kilometres traveled by the Spanish hauliers represent the 11,5 % of the total of the km traveled by all the European hauliers.
The Spanish hauliers are in the first place in International transport contracts in France and Portugal. Italy uses Spanish companies in third place and United Kingdom in fourth place.
The present crisis situation is getting to the Spanish companies to extend their routes at an international level as an option for improving their business, taking advantage of the good reputation in quality and professionalism of this collective.
Wtransnet, the Freight Exchange leader in the Iberian Peninsula with more than 8.000 transport associated companies, devotes special attention during January to European companies with the need to hire trucks for the international transport. Wtransnet will offer a free month of connection with the aim of boosting the meeting with Spanish hauliers.

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